Most purchases are shipped from our warehouse via UPS Ground/Home Delivery Service to arrive within five to seven business days of receipt of the order. In the event of a delay, we will notify you by email.

Orders being shipped to APO Boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, and any of the US Territories will have a $10 surcharge applied to the shipping/processing charge.

Note: Items ordered together may not arrive together. We ship to the US and Canada only.
Shipping to P.O., APO Boxes, Hawaii, and Alaska, is typically done via USPS and can take from two to ten business days


Rush Delivery and Processing


By choosing Two-Day or Three-Day service during checkout, we will expedite orders for in-stock items. Two-Day and Three-Day deliveries occur Monday through Friday. These services are not available on shipments outside of the continental US.

For Two-Day Services, if we receive your order by 12 noon PST Monday through Friday, you will receive your purchase within three business days after the ship date. For example, orders placed on Monday by noon with Two-Day shipping will arrive on Wednesday. Orders placed Saturday through Sunday will arrive on the following Wednesday.


For Three-Day Service, if we receive your order by 12 noon PST Monday through Friday, you will receive your purchase within four business days after the ship date. For example, orders placed on Monday by noon will arrive on Thursday. Orders placed Saturday through Sunday will arrive on the following Thursday.


Canadian Shipments

Darzzi does not maintain Non-Resident Importer status with Canada. Darzzi ships to Canada via USPS. Above price includes appropriate import duty and customs fees charged by USPS. Shipping will normally take from 7-10 business days (however it can take longer as well) . Darzzi is not responsible for additional tariffs, taxes, brokerage fees, duties or any other following costs required to import merchandise beyond those charged by USPS. Orders that are undeliverable will be returned, and customers will be required to pay for outbound and return freight. Darzzi does not offer Expedited Shipping to Canada at this time nor do we offer free return shipping from Canada.